Friday, July 6, 2007


Hello world, welcome to this brand-spanking new blog. I'm leaving tonight for the start of the great bridge sojourn, so there's not much to this post, but it feels like I've gotta start somewhere.

If you're here, you're probably a friend of ours, so I'll make the introduction short: I'm Jon, this is Alex (hereafter: "Lovey"). We just graduated Yale, and we used to run the Yale bridge club. We love bridge - we are not particularly good (nor particularly bad) at bridge. We're 22, which makes us ACBL "juniors." We teach bridge to whoever listens, and want to make sure there are people our age to play with now and in the future. We believe that the ACBL is trying hard but working inefficiently towards promoting bridge for people under 30, that juniors know junior bridge best, and we're optimistic that bridge has a bright future even for people our age.

Because I think both of us are a little jealous about hearing our friends out west get reported on (we enjoy reading Mike's bridge blog), I decided to start a site about our trip to this year's summer NABCs. Silver points are hard to come by, so instead of flying down we're taking an 11 day road trip to hit up some sectionals. We'll be stopping first at the STaC's in Columbus, OH and the sectional in Durham, NC, where'll we be joined by Eric from Stanford and Argenta, formerly of Yale. Then we'll be taking a break for club games in Atlanta, GA for about 4 days before going to the NABCs. If you're around and want to play with us somewhere, email me at yalebridgeclub a-t gmail dot com or post a reply to this post.

This blog will be about what we're up to, hands we played, conventions, funny stories, and about junior bridge in general. I'm not planning on being personal, ranty, or preachy. We'll be updating every day or two about our trip. We leave tomorrow morning. Come back soon!

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