Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hi ho silver

In our biggest win so far, our motley crew got second in the B strat of the swiss teams today, for about as many silver masterpoints as Lovey and I got on the rest of this trip combined. It was a really fun session. We went 4-3, with all big wins and one very small loss. Each us have our favorite hands, but sadly no hand records. Some brief highlights:

In one of our blitzes (a maximum victory), Argenta and Bob made two slams that Lovey and I set for 31 IMPS. The slam that Argenta played was a huge and hilarious defense error, with her left hand opponent leading Q from Qx offside. On the one that Bob made, they lead an ace which left Bob very little guesswork, where I had a lead a trump they guessed wrong.

I made a couple of aggressive 2S calls in 3rd seat favorable (like 5 spades, J9xxx with 8 points) which both worked out really well, most notably winning our last match big because lefty failed to overcall 2NT over 2S with a stopper (she chose double) and Lovey raised to 3S, forcing righty to bypass 3NT when 5D is down two on best defense.

Lovey also played this 4S quite nicely, at least relative to how I'd been declaring. All vulnerable, Lovey opened 1S in 3rd seat, and it went double, 2C by me (10-12 and clubs, an odd choice but I thought safe), 2D, Lovey rebids 2H, pass, I raise to 3S, Lovey bids 4S ("It's IMPs").

They lead a diamond (and kept leading diamonds) and I put down this dummy:

Lovey holds:

After testing to see if the jack of hearts was onside (it wasn't), Lovey played this as a dummy reversal and found clubs 3-3 to make, when it was badly misplayed at the other table .

We felt really good playing teams together and celebrated our good spirits by going to Outback and playing Tigris and Euphrates. Tomorrow, we drive to Atlanta and goof off for a few days... but we'll still be playing bridge, so more posts to follow.

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