Thursday, July 19, 2007

grand ol' knockout

Blogging from the phone tonight... the drive to Nashville was interspersed with incredible storms that would come and go in a matter of minutes. This somewhat ominous weather proved to be no sign of how our bridge went this evening. In the words of Bob, "we kept trying to lose, but they just didn't let us."

Why might we want to lose, you ask? Winning this first KO event means we have to play @ 9AM tomorrow for the second round. So it goes, at least we can get 8 hours.

Our opponents and teammates made nearly the same judgement calls (and occasional errors) on every hand, which gave us a low scoring match. One of the only big swings for us were on a hand where I hold: Ax x KJT87 AQJ10x and overcall 2NT over 1H. Partner bids 4C (undiscussed), and I bid 5C, which seems normal but was worth 9 IMPs. Good defense and declarer play by Lovey kept this match in the bag (I played only 3 hands. The final score was a mere 28-17 in 24 boards. I guess we'll see what tomorrow holds.

Mike won his GNT session tonight, as you can read on his blog, so we might be a teammate short for knockouts tomorrow aft. If you're reading this and are around, let me know if you're interested by commenting or finding us at the Education Fund KO's, team 5.

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